

...Still kickin it

2002-11-04 // 8:29 a.m.


Still kickin it w/ Al Bundy.

Have since figured out that I'm kinda diggin' dude.

We're still just friends.

I think it should stay that way.



It should stay that way.

It will stay that way.

That's a good thing... right?

(say "right")


:::older ::: newer ::: notes ::: archive ::: keirah ::: stalkers :::


::::: LAST 5 ENTRIES :::::

Hello again... - 06.20.2012

May 18th of 08 - 11.29.2008

May 17th of 08 - 11.29.2008

May 14th of 08 - 11.29.2008

May 5th to May 12th of 08 - 11.29.2008
