

... exposed

2002-07-16 // 9:26 a.m.


Let me start out by saying that, thus far, I love d-land...

It was exactly the kind of outlet I needed at the time that I found it. However, just recently, a friend of mine asked how I could possibly feel comfortable keeping a journal to which anyone and everyone has access. Her exact words were, "Don't you feel exposed??"

Initially, I said, "No." But later on, I began to think about it. And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to change my answer.

"Don't you feel exposed??"

Yes, I feel very exposed, but that's the point. For so many people (present company included) life is just a series of attempts at getting people to believe you are the person you portray yourself to be and then hope they deal with you accordingly; showering you with whatever you crave...







Well you know what? Not for nuthin', but that sh*t get's old pretty damned quick.

So is d-land online therapy? For some I suspect it is. For others (present company included) its just a chance to speak on some of the bullshit...

even your own...

especially your own.


:::older ::: newer ::: notes ::: archive ::: keirah ::: stalkers :::


::::: LAST 5 ENTRIES :::::

Hello again... - 06.20.2012

May 18th of 08 - 11.29.2008

May 17th of 08 - 11.29.2008

May 14th of 08 - 11.29.2008

May 5th to May 12th of 08 - 11.29.2008
